
Welcome to the new issue of Military Vehicle Systems, the inaugural issue launched at DSEI and resulted in over 1,000 copies being distributed at the event; along with our military distribution and online presence. I would ask if you have any comments, both good or bad, to please email me as it's the only way we improve our content and project.

So where are we with the modern vehicle systems? We have information from the US Army on their new vehicle prototypes and who has the initial contract awards. We have articles from the British and Australian Armies on their visions for the future battlefield. Looking at what is happening in Ukraine we have an interview with Colonel Oleg Hrudsevych, Tank Commander from the Ukraine military. With New Zealand we look at the new, state of the art maintenance facility recently opened in Linton. We have future tech articles with DARPA and Dstl. Canada looks at the importance of training and new training systems.

We are looking at the modern technology for military vehicles, how these systems make the vehicle more effective not only as a vehicle in the modern theatre, but also as a support to dismounted troops. With Echodyne we look at effective communications on the go, Codan's new technology in 360 degree vehicle situational awareness and Marshall looks at how mobile deployable infrastructure leads to better survivability.

Raytheon ELCAN are answering the big questions for aerospace & defence, while ODU looks at the effective connection of vehicle interfaces and online systems to make switching components easier. Ultra provides information on open vehicle architecture and Invisio looks at intercom systems that work on vehicle and the dismounted soldier arenas.

I wish you a successful 2024.

Editor, Military Vehicle Systems
[email protected]

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